中国菜肴在烹饪中有许多流派。其中最有影响和代表性的也为社会所公认的有:鲁、 川、 粤、 闽、 苏、 浙、湘、 徽等菜系,即被人们常说的中国“八大菜系”。
一、 鲁菜 (LU)
Shandong Cuisine, commonly and simply known as Lu cuisine, can be said to be the best of the Eight Regional Cuisines of China. With a long history, Shandong Cuisine once formed an important part of the imperial cuisine and was widely promoted in the north China. However it isn’t so popular in south China and even in the all-embracing Shanghai.
Shandong Cuisine is featured by a variety of cooking techniques and seafood. The typical dishes on local menu are braised abalone, braised trepang, sweet and sour carp, Jiuzhuan Dachang and Dezhou Chicken. Various Shandong snacks are also worth trying.
二、川菜 (Chuan)
Szechuan cuisine, also called?Sichuan cuisine, is a style of Chinese cuisine originating in the?Sichuan Province of southwestern China famed for bold flavors, particularly the pungency and spiciness resulting from liberal use of?garlic and?chili peppers, as well as the unique flavour of the?Sichuan peppercorn (花椒).?Peanuts,?sesame paste and?ginger are also prominent ingredients in Szechuan cooking
三、粤菜 (Yue)
西汉时就有粤菜的记载,南宋时受御厨随往羊城的影响,明清发展迅速20世纪随对外通商,吸取西餐的某些特长,粤菜也推向世界,仅美国纽约就有粤菜馆数千家。粤菜是以广州、潮州、东江三地的菜为代表而形成的。菜的原料较广,花色繁多,形态新颖,善于变化,讲究鲜、嫩、爽、滑,一般夏秋力求清淡,冬春偏重浓醇。调味有所谓五滋(香、松、臭、肥、浓)、六味(酸、甜、苦、咸、辣、鲜)之别。其烹调擅长煎、炸、烩、炖、煸等,菜肴色彩浓重,滑而不腻。尤以烹制蛇、狸、猫、狗、猴、鼠等野生动物而负盛名,著名的菜肴品种有“三蛇龙虎凤大会”、“五蛇羹”、“盐 火局鸡”、“蚝油牛肉”、“烤乳猪”、“干煎大虾碌”和“冬瓜盅”等。
Tasting clean, light, crisp and fresh, Guangdong cuisine, familiar to Westerners, usually has fowl and other meats that produce its unique dishes. The basic cooking techniques include roasting, stir-frying, sauteing, deep-frying, braising, stewing and steaming. Steaming and stir-frying are most frequently used to preserve the ingredients’ natural flavors.
四、闽菜 (Min)
Fujian cuisine is a traditional Chinese cuisine.Many diverse seafoods are used, including hundreds of types of fish, shellfish and turtles, provided by the Fujian coastal region.Woodland delicacies such as?edible mushrooms and?bamboo shoots are also utilized.?Slicing techniques are valued in the cuisine, and utilized to enhance the flavor, aroma and texture of seafood and other foods.?Fujian cuisine is often served in a broth or soup, and cooking techniques include braising, stewing, steaming and boiling.
五、苏菜 (Su)
Jiangsu cuisine, also known as Su (Cai) Cuisine for short, is one of the major components of Chinese cuisine, and consists of the styles of Yangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou and Zhenjiang dishes. It is very famous in the whole world for its distinctive style and taste. It is especially popular in the lower reach of the Yangtze River.
Typical courses of Jiangsu cuisine are Jinling salted dried duck (Nanjing’s most famous dish), crystal meat (pork heels in a bright, brown sauce), clear crab shell meatballs (pork meatballs in crab shell powder, fatty, yet fresh), Yangzhou steamed Jerky strips (dried tofu, chicken, ham and pea leaves), triple combo duck, dried duck, and Farewell My Concubine (soft-shelled turtle stewed with many other ingredients such as chicken, mushrooms and wine).
六、浙菜 (Zhe)
以杭州、宁波、绍兴、温州等地的菜肴为代表发展而成的。其特点是清、香、脆、嫩、爽、鲜。浙江盛产鱼虾,又是著名的风景旅游胜地,湖山清秀,山光水色,淡雅宜人,故其菜如景,不少名菜,来自民间,制作精细,变化较多。烹调技法擅长于炒、炸、烩、溜、蒸、烧。久负盛名的菜肴有“西湖醋鱼”、“生爆蟮片”、“东坡肉”、“龙井虾仁”、“干炸响铃”、“叫化童鸡”、“清汤鱼圆”、“干菜焖肉”、“大汤黄鱼”、“爆墨鱼卷”、“锦绣鱼丝” 等。
Zhejiang cuisine is one of the Eight Culinary Traditions of China. It is derived from the native cooking styles of the Zhejiang region in China. Food made in the Zhejiang style is not greasy, having instead a fresh and soft flavor with a mellow fragrance. The cuisine consists of at least three styles, each originating from a city in the province: Hangzhou style: Characterized by rich variations and the utilization of bamboo shoots. Which is served by the well known restaurants such as the Dragon Well Manor (龙井草堂). Shaoxing style: Specializes in poultry and freshwater fish Ningbo style: Specializing in seafood, with emphasis on freshness and salty dishes.
Hunan cuisine is well known for its hot spicy flavor,fresh aroma and deep color. Common cooking techniques include stewing, frying, pot-roasting, braising, and smoking. Due to the high agricultural output of the region, ingredients for Hunan dishes are many and varied.
八、徽菜 (Hui)
以沿江、沿淮、徽洲三地区的地方菜为代表构成的。其特点是选料朴实,讲究火功,重油重色 ,味道醇厚,保持原汁原味。徽菜以烹制山野海味而闻名,早在南宋时,“沙地马蹄鳖,雪中牛尾狐”,就是那时的著名菜肴了。其烹调方法擅长于烧、焖、炖。著名的菜肴品种有“符离集烧鸡”、“火腿炖甲鱼”、“腌鲜桂鱼”、“火腿炖鞭笋”、“雪冬烧山鸡”、“红烧果子狸”、“奶汁肥王鱼”、“毛峰熏鲥鱼”等。
Anhui cuisine is one of the Eight Culinary Traditions of China. It is derived from the native cooking styles of the Huangshan Mountains region in China and is similar to Jiangsu cuisine.
Special Thanks to these Local Restaurants for all kinds of Sponsorship:
Asian Buffet (5130 North 27th Street, Lincoln, NE)
Asian Fusion (2840 Jamie Ln, Lincoln, NE)
Ginger (6055 Apples Way, Lincoln, NE)
Ichiban Sichuan (151 N 8th St #100, Lincoln, NE)
Imperial Palace (701 North 27th Street, Lincoln, NE)
Lan House (1226 P St Suite 102, Lincoln, NE)
Mr.Hui (3255 Cornhusker Hwy, Suite B6, Lincoln, NE)
Mr.Hui 2 (4131 Pioneer Woods Dr, Suite 102, Lincoln, NE)
Perfect Dinner (2855 N 27th St, Lincoln, NE)
Thai Garden (245 North 13th Street, Lincoln, NE)