LCCA hereby announces the official establishment and upcoming registration to the LINCOLN CHINESE ACADEMY.
Since 2016, many Chinese families in the Lincoln community have requested the establishment of a local quality Chinese school. Since this time, LCCA has organized a School Preparatory Committee dedicated to seriously researching the possibilities of this goal. LCCA is an officially registered non-profit organization, created to provide healthy management and regulation. It can also provide tax-deduction receipts for donation. Two areas of work (management/administration, and teaching staff) have been the main focus of Preparatory Committee’s efforts:
(1) Management/Administration: The LCCA committee has organized a school management team including parents, teachers, and community specialists/representatives. This will ensure representation from all members of the community. We are in the process of recruiting more qualified candidates for the management team.
(2) Teaching Staff: LCCA has invited several experienced educators and experts in the field to provide teacher training and to improve the standard of teaching. This training has already been initiated.
In the process of preparing the opening of the LCA, LCCA has gained support from many organizations and individuals including the LPS School Board Members, University of Nebraska Education, Management, and Literature Professors, Education Associations, Omaha Chinese School, Nebraska Legislature Education Committee Senator, etc. Furthermore, LCCA has established an Education Advising Council specifically aimed to help develop and execute plans regarding Chinese education. This council includes many educators and former educators (professors, school teachers, and administrators).
The primary aim of developing the LCA is to ensure quality education of Chinese language and culture to the Lincoln community in an ethical and transparent manner (at all levels of administration and finance). By unifying the local Chinese community and pooling resources, we believe that we can create the highest possible education for the community.
Please be on the look out for upcoming registration and official opening dates in the near future. We hope you will soon join us in our efforts and look forward to your support. Inquiries can be directed to:
从2016年开始, 社区内众多家长向华协提议办学, 华协在广泛征集家长们的意见后决定建立林肯华协中文学校(LCA). 针对家长们的需求反馈, 华协中文学校筹委会在认真研讨后就以下方面做出实质布署工作: 1.管理, 华协执委会负责组建了有家长教师代表以及社区专业人士参与的学校管理团队, 并监管校长工作以及学校运营, 学校管理章程已起草完毕; 2.师资, 华协已邀请多位教育领域的专家, 定期为教师提供专业培训以提高师资水平, 目展培训工作已有序展开.
林肯华协(LCCA)为正式注册的非营利机构, 拥有健全的管理机制及规章制度, 并可为捐款者提供抵税收据. 在学校的筹备过程中, 华协得到了社会各界, 包括林肯公立学校董事会, 内州大学教育管理系教授, 内州大学语言文学系教授, 内州大学外国语系教授, 立法院教育委员会参议员, 州政府, 奥马哈中文学校, 内州教育协会等机构及代表们的大力支持和协助. 林肯华协同时成立了教育顾问委员会, 为华协教育服务项目的发展规划, 项目实施, 资源整合等提供指导性意见. 现顾问委员包含多位教育领域教授, 林肯公立学校董事, 奥马哈中文学校校长等专家学者.
林肯华协已团结社会各方力量, 为我们华人社区努力建设一所以中文教育为核心, 宣扬传承中华文化为宗旨, 管理规范, 师资专业, 财务透明, 安全舒适, 非营利并服务于社区大众的中文学校! 学校报名以及相关工作即将陆续展开, 敬请期待! 感谢大家的支持! 联系邮箱<>
從2016年開始, 社區內眾多家長向華協提議辦學, 華協在廣泛征集家長們的意見後決定建立林肯華協中文學校(LCA). 針對家長們的需求反饋, 華協中文學校籌委會在認真研討後就以下方面做出實質布署工作: 1.管理, 華協執委會負責組建了有家長教師代表以及社區專業人士參與的學校管理團隊, 並監管校長工作以及學校運營, 學校管理章程已起草完畢; 2.師資, 華協已邀請多位教育領域的專家, 定期為教師提供專業培訓以提高師資水平, 目展培訓工作已有序展開.
林肯華協(LCCA)為正式註冊的非營利機構, 擁有健全的管理機制及規章制度, 並可為捐款者提供抵稅收據. 在學校的籌備過程中, 華協得到了社會各界, 包括林肯公立學校董事會, 內州大學教育管理系教授, 內州大學語言文學系教授, 內州大學外國語系教授, 立法院教育委員會參議員, 州政府, 奧馬哈中文學校, 內州教育協會等機構及代表們的大力支持和協助. 林肯華協同時成立了教育顧問委員會, 為華協教育服務項目的發展規劃, 項目實施, 資源整合等提供指導性意見. 現顧問委員包含多位教育領域教授, 林肯公立學校董事, 奧馬哈中文學校校長等專家學者.
林肯華協已團結社會各方力量, 為我們華人社區努力建設壹所以中文教育為核心, 宣揚傳承中華文化為宗旨, 管理規範, 師資專業, 財務透明, 安全舒適, 非營利並服務於社區大眾的中文學校! 學校報名以及相關工作即將陸續展開, 敬請期待! 感謝大家的支持! 聯系郵箱<>