LCCA Lincoln Chinese Academy – Fall Semester Registration

Welcome to the new school year! We follow the LPS school calendar for the Fall Semester of the 2022 academic year. Classes are on most weekends from 08/21~12/4 for a total of 13 weeks.
林肯华协中文学校LCCA-LCA 2022年-2023年秋季上课时间为 08/21~12/4, 一共十三周。

报名注册链接 Registration:

1、中文课程Chinese Class 学费$200 (华协会员每家庭减免$10)
Chinese Level1(中文入门级Beginner ,教材:暨南大学幼儿汉语、中文1-2册)
Chinese Level2(中文初级,教材:暨南大学中文3-4册)
Chinese Level3(中文中级,教材:暨南大学中文5-6册)
Chinese Level4(中文高级,教材:暨南大学中文7册及以上,AP中文等)

1)Chinese Level1学生需要满5周岁(age 5 and above)
2)新生请先根据您估计的年级报名,如经老师评估并认为需做班级调整,学校会及时与您联络。All new students, please register your child according to his/her Chinese Language level. We will contact you if further adjustment is recommended after the teacher’s evaluation.
3) 中文课上课形式:线下课堂教学和网课两种
Chinese Class method: In-person and online (根据学生需求,满足报名人数)
in- person:周日下午1:30-3:30pm每周一次课,每次2小时,
Online:由老师和家长商定. 2hr/week. Each class instructor along with the parents will decide on the specific day/time when their class will be in session.
暨南大学中文教材: $9
including 1 Textbook and 2 Exercise books.

Chinese language class for non-heritage speakers 非母语中文课
每次课1小时 周日1:30-2:30pm

招生对象:四年级以上学生和成人,4th grade and above, and adults

3、兴趣班Enrichment Class 学费$100/个
每次课1小时,Sundays 3:30-4:30pm or 4:30-5:30pm

(1)美术-水彩和插画 (Art )
(2)儿童与青少年瑜伽班(Yoga for kids ages 5-15)(Amanda Bai)
(3)少儿声乐课:Children Vocal Music
(4)数学课:Pre-algebra for 5th and 6th graders.
(The Art of Problem Solving Prealgebra book)
(5)武术班(Martial Arts ages 6 and above)(Jacob Stiver)

另将开设:成人合唱队及舞蹈队、chess club、Rubik’s cube Club, Chinese corner,etc.(依报名情况定)

4、学校新址 School Address: City Impact, 1035 N 33rd St, Lincoln NE 68503

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