In 2002, a group of Lincoln residents with Chinese ethnicity recognized that the city has reached a sizable population of Chinese residents and the timing was right to create an organization to promote and celebrate their Chinese heritage.? This group included academic, business and community leaders.? The core group had a passion for community service and a love of the Chinese culture.? After many meetings a charter for the organization was formalized and the Lincoln Chinese and Cultural Association (LCCA) officially launched on January 21st, 2002.
Over the past ten years the leadership of LCCA has sustained the organization well through the constant promotion of Chinese culture.? LCCA has benefited from the stability of this leadership group and the continued support of its membership.? In 2012, as the LCCA celebrates its 10thanniversary, it achieved a further milestone by officially registering as a 501(C) 3 non-profit organization to better serve its mission.
2002年,一群在內布拉斯加州林肯市的華人意識到,這城市的華裔人數斐然達到了一定的規模,正是創建一個服務性組織來促進和發揚中國傳統文化的大好時機。這一群人中包括了學術界,商業界和林肯社區的佼佼者,他們都帶著為社區服務的熱誠和充滿了對中國文化的熱枕。在經過多次會議和及組織章程的制定後,林肯華人文化協會(LCCA)于 2002年1月21日正式成立。
在過去的十年裡,LCCA 得益於穩健的領導群及會員們的熱心支持一直不斷的為推廣中國文化這個目標而努力。今年正值組織慶祝成立10週年之際,LCCA更實現了一個重要的里程碑 – 正式登記成為了一個501(c)3非營利組織以便能夠更好地履行組織使命。

Janet Lu, Professor Emeritus, Professor of Library Information Technology has worked as the public services librarian at Nebraska Wesleyan University since 1979 and has taught library science for 16 years. She was the president of the Lincoln Chinese Cultural Association (LCCA).

As a community organization the LCCA routinely holds Chinese festivals related activities such as the Lantern Festival Luncheon, the Dragon Boat Festival Picnic and canoe race and, the Mid-Autumn Moon Cake Celebration, etc. In addition, the LCCA has held many fun competitions such as the karaoke singing competitions, children’s talent competitions, and more recently the Chinese cuisine competition.
From these activities, other interest groups within the LCCA also began to meet on a regular basis for the benefit of the membership. Earlier on, groups such as the Chinese Language, Women’s and the Chinese Classical Music clubs were formed. The Classical Music Group most notably performed publicly in Lincoln, including a well publicized joint concert with Guzheng virtuoso Mary Li Ma.
從這些活動中,LCCA另萌生了一些會員俱樂部,如早期的國語會話班, 婦女會和中國古典音樂團,這些小組的成員都會定期聚會或組織一些活動和演出。國樂團在林肯並有過一些很精彩的演出,其中包括了與知名的古箏演奏家李馬麗女士聯合舉辦的公開演奏會。
As a leader in promoting Chinese culture and art, the LCCA has organized exhibitions and presentations on many occasions. Several in conjunction with the UNL Lentz Center to showcase Chinese artifacts, calligraphy and photography, and one with the Haymarket Burkholder Gallery on Chinese paintings. As patrons of the arts, LCCA has also supported group attendance for Chinese performances at the Lied Center such as the Shao-Lin Warriors, the Beijing Modern Dance Troupe and the Chinese Acrobats.
作為致力於促進中國文化和藝術的推動者,LCCA多次舉辦相關演說和展覽。其中包括一些與 UNL Lentz Center合辦的展覽,陳列了諸多中國藝術品,書法和攝影;及一次別開生面的中國書畫展也曾經在Haymarket的Burkholder Gallery特別展出。LCCA還多次籌劃了為會員們能優惠購買團體票以觀賞在Lied Center演出的少林武僧,北京現代舞團和中國雜技團的公演。
For its community members the LCCA often put together interesting classes and useful professional panel discussions. Classes such as Tai Chi exercise, the Ball Room Dancing classes and Golf classes had proven to be popular. Panel discussion seminars on job interview skills for new graduates, and Senior Club life adjustment skills for visiting parents of members were also practical and well received.
Since its inception the LCCA was fortunate to have many supporting partner organizations, including a symbiotic relationship with the Chinese Student and Scholar Association (CSSA) of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. As well, the LCCA enjoys a close relationship with Lincoln’s Asian Community and Cultural Center (ACCC), and the Families with Children from China group. And as Chinese population grow in other cities in Nebraska, the LCCA has spurned interest and encouraged the creation of sister organizations such as the Omaha Nebraska Chinese Association (NCA).
自成立以來,LCCA有幸能夠有許多不斷提供支持和幫助的夥伴組織,從存在互助互惠關係的內布拉斯加州大學- 林肯校區的中國學生學者協會(CSSA),到有著緊密聯繫的林肯亞裔社區文化中心(ACCC),及中國孩童領養家庭組織。另外, 隨著華人在內布拉斯加州其他城市的增長,LCCA還激勵與贊助了其他姐妹組織的成立,如奧馬哈華人文化協會(NCA)。
Thanks to the leadership of LCCA committee, the supporting members and partners, the LCCA has been highly active in promoting Chinese culture in the Lincoln community and is poised for the next ten years!
承蒙多位創辦人多年來不遺餘力的為LCCA作出貢獻, 並感謝會員們一直以來的支持及夥伴組織們的鼎力相助,LCCA下一個十年將會更精彩。