2012 Dragon Boat Festival photos updated

Dear all,

Thank you for attending our 2012 Dragon Boat Festival at 05/12/2012. We hope you had a good time and please continue to follow LCCA for our latest news and events.

We’ve updated the photos for this event and please go to 2012 Dragon Boat  to see the details

Best regards,


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Location for the dragon boat festival

The location is located near the playground area, where we used to have our events.

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2012 LCCA Dragon Boat Festival Potluck

Dragon Boat
Dear LCCA members and friends,

The Dragon Boat Festival potluck is on this coming Saturday (May 12) at 12:00 at the Holmes Park. Our tables will be near the parking lot by the lake and the main driving path. We will have the LCCA banner at the site. You don’t need to sign up for this event. Since it is a potluck party, we would like each family to bring two dishes (main dishes, appetizers, salads, fruits, etc.) and each individual to bring one dish. LCCA will provide drinks, silverware and some additional food. Membership renewal will also be available at the event.

We look forward to seeing you and your family at the party!



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Farewell to Professor Emeritus Baozhang Lu and Janet Lu

Dear all,

We are here to say good bye to Professor Emeritus Baozhang Lu and Janet Lu. They decided to move to Colorado, where they can be closer to their daughter. As shown at the picture,  they are presented the Certificate of  Honorary Advisor by the president of Lincoln Chinese and Culture Association, YeZi Rein­hardt.

Professor Emeritus Baozhang Lu was the professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering in University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Professor Emeritus, Professor of Library Information Technology has worked as the public services librarian at Nebraska Wesleyan University since 1979 and has taught library science for 16 years. She was the president of the Lincoln Chinese Cultural Association (LCCA). They have lived in Lincoln since 1968.


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Interview Skills and Approach Discussion Live

We have live podcast here.




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